Why do we need Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy for our bodies because they are converted into Glucose far more easily than protein or fat.

Glucose is used in a number of ways – It is sent to the liver, the muscles store it as glycogen and it is used as fuel or sent to the fat tissue where it is used to help store fat.

It is incredibly important for energy, exercise, and brainpower.

Finding the Balance

Getting too much glucose can upset the balance of the blood sugar level, resulting in fluctuations in energy and mood. It is important to make sure we eat balanced meals containing protein and fat as well.

Types of Carbohydrate

These are the 3 types, some of which our bodies need more than others, but all play a part in the optimum health of our bodies.

  • Simple (aka sugar)
  • Complex (aka starch)
  • Non-Starch Polysaccharides (aka fiber!)

Simple Carbohydrates 

Simple Carbohydrates have a very basic structure and usually contain one or two units of sugar (glucose, fructose, and galactose).

This is fast-release energy.

The energy can’t be released without specific vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin B is particularly important as the body can not use carbohydrates without them.

Healthy Simple Carbohydrates

Healthy natural food contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and high levels of fiber that give the body what it needs to function well. Examples of healthy simple carbohydrates include  –

  • Fruit
  • Honey
  • Date nectar
  • Fruit syrup
  • Molasses
  • Agave nectar
  • Maple syrup

These are healthy but are still simple and therefore should be used in moderation.

High Sugar Fruits

Be mindful of high sugar fruits because these can boost insulin too.

Higher sugar fruits include –

  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Bananas
  • Mangoes
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Plums

‘Unhealthy’ Simple Carbohydrates

Unhealthy Simple Carbohydrates:

  • Contain excessive sugar
  • Processes low-quality fats
  • Have a high energy density
  • Contain no vitamins or minerals
  • and adversely affect Insulin response and encourage fat storage

‘Unhealthy’ Simple Carbohydrates can be helpful if an insulin spike is required. Otherwise, you may want to be very mindful about the amount you eat because they encourage the body to store fat.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are often described as starch. They consist of many units of glucose all joined together in long, complicated branched chains. Once eaten these chains break down into glucose. The glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream and either stored or metabolised correctly.

Refined and Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates

Refined Carbohydrates

These are mainly ‘white’ processed products such as:

  • White Bread
  • White pasta
  • Cakes
  • Biscuits
  • Pastries
  • White rice
  • Rice cakes

They also have similar qualities to the ‘unhealthy simple carbohydrates

  • contain excessive sugar (over 15g per 100g)
  • processed low-quality fats
  • have high-energy-density
  • have no vitamins or minerals
  • adversely affect Insulin response and encourage fat storage

Again, these can be helpful if an insulin spike is required but otherwise these items are of little benefit to the body.

Unrefined Carbohydrates contain:

  • Fructose and glucose in varying amounts
  • Antioxidants and Phytochemicals
  • High levels of dietary Fiber
  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Traces of amino acids

Examples include :

  • wholemeal or whole-grain products
  • whole-grain rice
  • vegetables
  • pulses
  • quinoa

Unrefined Carbohydrates and Fibre are the ones that we really want to use to make up 40% of our recommended intake.

Non-Starch Polysaccharides – Fibre

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet and it is found in:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Beans

It doesn’t provide much energy but is vital for a healthy body because it aids the transportation of foods through the digestive system. There are two types of fiber.

Insoluble Fiber:

  • Unrefined wheat
  • Bran
  • Rye
  • Rice and most other grains
  • Fruit and vegetable skins

Benefits of insoluble fibre include:

  • Helps reduce the risk of haemorrhoids (piles)
  • Acts as food for our gut microbes, promoting the growth of good bacteria
  • It can help reduce the incidence of diverticulitis (inflammation in the intestines)
  • It can keep us feeling fuller for longer

Soluble Fiber:

  • Beans
  • barely
  • broccoli
  • prunes
  • apples
  • citrus fruits
  • oats

Benefits of soluble fibre include

  • Helps to stabilise blood sugar levels as it slows down the digestion of foods, including carbohydrates. This helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels
  • Acts as food for our gut microbes, promoting the growth of good bacteria
  • Weight management. Because it slows down the digestion of food, it can leave us feeling fuller for longer


If it has been processed or refined it is likely that it will affect Insulin response and encourage fat storage.

Keep close to the ground

Food produced by the earth rather than by man will contain vital ingredients to contribute to a healthy body and mind.

Intuitive Eating

Listen to your body and try to check in to see how you really feel after you have eaten

Our eating habits and history differ dramatically and therefore so do our bodies and our goals.

Be intuitive, really listen to your body.


If you are very new to nutrition you may wish to read ‘An introduction to nutrition first

Why do we need fat?

Fat is a major source of energy (9Kcals per g), it helps the body absorb vitamins and helps food taste good.

But what else does it do?  You don’t have to understand what all of this means, all you need to understand is that good fat is incredibly important for us.

Some other functions include:

  • Formation of cell membranes
  • Formation of myelin sheath within the nervous system
  • Constitute a large majority of the central nervous system and the spinal cord
  • Synthesis of steroid hormones
  • Assist in the regulation of enzymes
  • Protection of internal organs
  • Allowing absorption of Vitamins A, D, E and K into the body
  • Essential for good brain function
  • and more!

At present dietary recommendations for fats are under debate but the roles played by fats within the body cannot be underestimated.

The science bit  

Fat structure

Fat consists of chains or rings of carbon atoms joined together by other atoms, most commonly hydrogen and oxygen. There are many types of fat and they vary due to their structure.


Fatty acids

  • Fatty acids are the acids that are produced when fats are broken down
  • They are considered to be good fats
  • They naturally occur as triglycerides, where 3 fatty acids attached to a carbohydrate backbone called glycerol, during digestion the fatty acids are broken off and used in the body as required

Benefits of Triglycerides

  • Fatty acids help keep skin healthy
  • Prevent early aging
  • Help the body process cholesterol
  • Help get rid of cholesterol build-up
  • And assist the adrenal and thyroid gland
  • All of which in turn would assist in regulating weight

Saturated fat

In saturated fats, the chains are saturated with hydrogen. Saturated fats are straight and tend to arrange themselves uniformly, which is why they tend to be solid at room temperature. They also tend to be more chemically stable and less likely to ‘change’ when heated or exposed to oxygen.

Saturated Fat:


  • Meat (beef, pork, lamb, venison)
  • Poultry (chicken, duck, goose)
  • Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, eggs)

Non – Animal

  • Coconut oil
  • Palm oil
  • Cocoa butter

Unsaturated fats

The hydrogen atoms are missing from portions of the chains and there is often bending or kinking in the chain. This leads to a less uniform and more fluid arrangement and is typically liquid at room temperature (oils). These are more unstable and reactive. They come in two main categories Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated.


Monounsaturated fats contain fatty acids with only one double bond. The body is able to recognise the shape of various monounsaturated fatty acids and utilise them accordingly. They lower LDL (low-density lipoproteins), cholesterol, and plasma triglycerides (fat in the blood) and therefore reduces the risk of Heart disease.


  • Olives / Olive Oil
  • Avocado
  • Lard
  • Beef dripping
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Nuts
  • Seeds


Polyunsaturated fats are missing hydrogen in more than one area so have more than one double bond. The positioning of the double bond defines the type of Polyunsaturated Fat. Two are considered essential to health and are commonly known as essential fatty acids. The body is not able to Synthesise these itself.


Essential fatty acids

Essential fatty acids play a fundamental role in numerous metabolic processes and are very specific to the functioning of the cell. They must be eaten in the required amounts to promote good health. Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish are particularly beneficial.


  • Oily Fish
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Flax oil
  • Walnut Oil
  • Hemp Seeds oil
  • Pasture-rearer Eggs


In the western diet Omega 6 is highly overused which can be a problem as can:

  • Stimulate inflammatory pathways in the body
  • Promote the formation of blood clots
  • Promote an increase in cellular growth, leading to cancer
  • Leads to arthritis, mood disorders, Osteoporosis, and obesity

Fats and Disease

There is a significant link between disease and the increasing consumption of processed fats. A common process is Hydrogenation, where cheap vegetable oils are converted into solid spreadable fats through a process of heating and chemical manipulation. A by-product of this process is Trans fat.

Trans fat

Trans fat increases bad cholesterol and is associated with cancer, diseased arteries, diabetes, obesity, immune system dysfunction and problems with bones and tendons.

Products including Transfats include:

  • Margarine
  • biscuits
  • crackers
  • cakes
  • take away
  • pies
  • pastry
  • ready meals
  • processed food


Nothing needs to be completely off bounds but we should be mindful of the quantities in which we eat.

Monounsaturated – good:

  • Olives / Olive Oil
  • Avocado
  • Peanut oil
  • Nuts
  • Seeds


OMEGA 3 – good and essential as there is not enough in our diet:

  • Oily Fish
  • Canola oil
  • Cod liver oil
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Walnut oil

Remember these do not like to be heated as it destroys the molecular structure.

OMEGA 6 –  overused in the west so be mindful:

  • Certain vegetable oils
  • Salad dressings & mayonnaise
  • Snacks made with Omega-6 Rich fats
  • Fast foods made with Omega-6 Rich Fats
  • Cookies, candies, cakes, pastries & muffins
  • Pork products
  • Chicken
  • Dairy & Egg
  • Beef

Saturated fat – a little is OK:

  • Animal fat
  • Cream
  • Cheese
  • Butter
  • Coconut Oil

Trans fat – be very mindful: 

  • Processed foods
  • Margarine
  • Shortening

Fats are a little complicated but remember they are essential so do not leave them out.

‘Good’ fats (HDL) will also help to get rid of ‘bad’ fats (LDL) so they are all the more important if you are trying to reduce cholesterol build-up.

Water is one of the most important components of our daily nutrition intake. If we don’t keep our bodies hydrated our performance suffers and health deteriorates.

Water provides a number of functions within the body:

  • Cellular chemical processing
  • Transportation of nutrients and oxygen
  • Joint lubrication
  • Organ protection
  • Temperature regulation
  • The brain needs it to manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters
  • It is needed for digestion
  • It flushes out body waste
  • AND hydration aids fat loss

60% of our bodies are made of water

According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158:

  • The brain and heart are composed of 73%
  • Our lungs are about 83%
  • The skin contains 64%
  • Muscles and kidneys are 79%
  • and even the bones are watery: 31%

So it is no surprise that if we are not hydrated we are going to suffer.

Barriers to Hydration

Even if we are drinking water there are lots of things that can prevent our body from being hydrated.

Barriers to a hydrated body include:

  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol

If we want to stay hydrated we should be mindful of our use of sugar, salt, caffeine, and alcohol.

How much water should we drink?

There are lots of factors that affect this and it is not one rule fits all approach.

Factors that affect how much water the body needs include:

  • Environmental temperature
  • Amount of lean muscle mass –  the more you have the more water you will need
  • The frequency, intensity, and type of exercise you may take part in
  • Your work environment – for example, if you have a physical job or work in a hot kitchen you may require more water
  • Weight -Because the heavier you are the more water you need

Guidelines for Weight

Bodyweight (kg) Estimated Daily Water Intake (Litres)
60kg and under 1.85
70kg 2.15
80kg 2.45
90kg 2.75
100kg 3.05

Remember to take ALL factors into account.

Intuitive Eating

Try to listen to your body and if you are thirsty please don’t deprive your body of one of its most vital requirements! Just drink!

The most common reasons I hear for people not drinking are –

‘I find it annoying having to go to the toilet all the time’


‘I’m too lazy to get up and go to the toilet’

Ideally, you don’t want to get to the point where you feel thirsty, by then your body is already in a struggle. Try not to put your body under stress. If your mouth is dry imagine how your other organs feel.

Not only will your body function far better but there are lots of other benefits of keeping hydrated:

  • Increased energy
  • Weight loss
  • Flushing out toxins
  • Clearer skin
  • Better digestion
  • Stronger immune system
  • Relieves headaches
  • Reduced cramps & sprains

I recommend taking a 2-liter bottle of water with you for the day and making sure you at least work your way through that as a minimum requirement.


If you are very new to Nutrition you may wish to read ‘An Introduction to Nutrition’ first.

 Carbohydrates and  the effect of Insulin

Have you ever heard people say ‘Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar does!’

Well, it is true to an extent but it’s not only excessive sugars that make you fat, but other carbohydrates can also as well.

Eating certain types of Carbohydrates in isolation can cause us to store fat around our middles.

Weight gain can be caused by many factors and can often be difficult to determine but beyond calorie intake, there are several other factors to consider including the effects of Insulin.

The Science Bit

High GI Carbohydrates make our blood sugar spike which pushes the fat into the cells. If this happens repeatedly the cells become insulin resistant. When this happens cells no longer respond to insulin and the pancreases increase production so that insulin levels become higher than normal.

This increases the likelihood of further weight gain.

What do we mean by GI (Glycaemic Index)?

All foods have a GI. This is the rate at which the food turns into Glucose. Some foods are fast release and some slow release.

Glucose has a GI of 100 and is used when energy needs to be used quickly.

Blood sugar management is imperative if the fat-storing effects of insulin are to be controlled.

It is commonly accepted that sugars and syrups are detrimental to health and exacerbate weight problems, however, a review of the Glycemic index shows that show clearly that some other sources of carbohydrates upset blood glucose as well.

  • low GI (less than 55/100) – soy products, beans, fruit, milk, pasta, grainy bread, porridge, and lentils.
  • medium GI (55 to 70/100) – orange juice, honey, basmati rice, and wholemeal bread.
  • high GI (greater than 70/100) – potatoes, white bread and short-grain rice, sugar and sugary foods, sugary soft drinks

Other useful resources may include  – www.diabetes.org.uk

Foods to monitor/avoid include

bread, bagels, crumpets, baguettes, rolls, pizza, pastries, croissants, buns, pasta, breakfast cereals and cereal bars, chips, crisps, yams, biscuits, sweets, etc

Personally, I would reduce or cut out highly processed carbohydrates, that do not contain natural vitamins and minerals.

Everything can be eaten, but it’s all about finding balance and giving the body what it needs to be satisfied – vitamins and minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fat, and water.

Fructose and Fruit

Please take note that fructose has a low GI, it has slow-release sugar and therefore will not spike insulin levels like high GI foods. However, care should still be taken with eating fruit. It should be eaten as part of a healthy balanced diet as some fruits can be a lot higher in sugar than others.

When to eat Fruit

I would also recommend eating fresh fruit on its own, or at least 15 minutes before any other foods. Fruit likes to digest faster than any other food and if eaten with other foods or as a dessert, it can cause stomach ache and bloat. Dried or cooked fruit digests better with other foods than fresh fruit. Everyone is different so listen to your body.

Higher Sugar Fruits

Be careful with higher sugar fruits as these can still boost insulin too much.

High sugar fruits include dates, grapes, bananas, mangoes, apples, pears, and plums.

Low GI foods

We can naturally lower the GI of food to an extent by mixing it with fat, fiber, or protein as this will act as a sponge and releases the sugars into the system slowly. Another reason to eat a balanced diet.

It is also important to note that the way of cooking foods will also change their GI.

For example, the GI of a roasted potato (white or sweet) will be much higher than that of a steamed or boiled potato.

Eat as much as you like

There are many sources of non-starchy carbohydrates that can be eaten freely and these will provide vitamins minerals and fiber which allows the body to absorb what it needs.

The following list provides some good guidance for good carbohydrate options-

  • Green leafy vegetables eg spinach, dark lettuce, kale, collard
  • Brassicas eg cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, swede, turnip, brussels sprouts, onions leeks, peppers, celery, mushrooms, peas, courgette, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, olives
  • Fruits eg: avocado, grapefruit, melons, cantaloupe, papaya, peaches, apricots, lemons, limes, and berry’s of all varieties

Carbohydrates are ‘Good’

We do need carbohydrates so please do not cut it out altogether.

(you can see why in my blog on carbohydrates) -www.bemoore.co.uk/carbohydates/

A GI spike can also be very helpful at times, for example before or after exercise.

Be mindful and listen to your body

Give your body the energy, minerals, and vitamins it needs to look, feel and perform to the best it can!

If your body is not working well, the last thing it will want to do is burn fat.